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Calendar of Events and MSBA Board of Directors (BOD) Meetings 2016

June 3-4: Maine Fiber Frolic, Windsor Fairgrounds, Windsor. More information at http://www.fiberfrolic.com/

June 3, 8am - 12pm: MSBA Annual Wool Pool, at the Maine Fiber Frolic. Paid Members will receive $.58 per pound. Membership applications will be available. Skirting table for teaching purposes/demo will be in the general area of the wool collection.
Guidelines for selling your wool at this Wool Pool:
We will be accepting clean, well skirted wool only. Wool must be dry. Wool must be from current year’s shearing. Wool must be separated into white wool (from white face sheep only) and colored wool (incl. white wool from black face sheep). All bags with wool will be opened and inspected. MSBA will reject any wool that does not meet our stated guidelines.

The following will absolutely not be accepted:
Cap and belly wool, tags or manure
Wet, musty, and moldy wool
Heavy hay chaff. Pull out neck wool that is heavily contaminated
Straw, shavings, hay, old wool. All wool must be from current year’s shearing
Cotted wool
Moth damaged wool and/or moth infested wool
Hoof trimmings
Wool contaminated with hair

June 23, 7-8:30pm: What sheep, goat and cattle producers ought to know about dewormers, by Dr. Jim Miller, veterinarian with the Louisiana State University vet school, at the Pineland Conference Center, Room A on the Pineland Farms campus in New Gloucester. For more information, contact Gary Anderson, UMaine Extension Specialist 207-581-3240.
Dr. Miller is a parasitologist whose research has involved sheep and goat parasites. He and his wife spend time in Maine each summer. Consider attending this workshop to meet Dr. Miller and learn more about this important topic.

June 28, 6pm: MSBA board meeting via conference call.

July 24: Open Farm Day, statewide. More information at www.getrealmaine.com

August 5-6: Annual Open House at Bartlettyarns in Harmony. Free Mill Tours from 10am - 4pm each day. The store will be open both days. More information at http://www.bartlettyarns.com/ or on their Facebook page.

September 23-25: Common Ground Fair, Unity. More information at mofga.org
Clare Thomas-Pino is calling out to all MSBA members to send her information for her sheep presentation at the fair: pictures to show the diversity of breeds of sheep, what people are doing with sheep products, pictures of handling of sheep/sheep in barns, lambing, pasture, etc. Please send your pictures to Clare_Thomas@umit.maine.edu

October 1-2: Vermont Sheep & Wool Festival, Tunbridge, VT. More information at www.vtsheepandwoolfest.com

October 15-16: New York State Sheep & Wool Festival, Rhinebeck, NY. More information at www.sheepandwool.com

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NEWAIM Farm / Dog Bone Designs
Waldoboro, ME

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