Untitled Document

MSBA Board
BOD Meeting Minutes
Members Directory
Helpful Links
MSBA Classified Ads
MSBA Calendar
MSBA Newsletter Archive
MSBA Products
Sheep Shearers
MSBA Bylaws
Sheep Breeds of the US
Scrapies Info
Infectious Disease Info
Helpful Maine Links

Maine Cooperative Extension
Maine Department of Agriculture
Central Maine Sheep Breeders Association
Maine Hay Directory
Rock Island Farm (information for small flock owners in Maine)
Maine Fiber Frolic

New England Sheep Associations

New Hampshire Sheep & Wool Growers Assoc.
Vermont Sheep & Goat Assoc.
Duchess County Sheep & Wool Growers Assoc. ( MA)
CT Sheep Breeders Association
Rhode Island Sheep Co-op

General Interest

American Sheep Industry Association
Maryland Small Ruminant Page (a super links page)
Northeast Sheep and Goat Marketing Program
Cornell Sheep Program
(Contains a wealth of information about sheep
and related subjects
Merck Veterinary Manual
New England Livestock Alliance
Mid-States Wool Growers Cooperative Association
Sheep! Magazine
Hobby Farms Magazine

Livestock Equipment Suppliers

Mid-States Wool Growers Cooperative Association
PBS Animal Health
Pipestone Veterinary Supply
Sheep and Goat Research Journal
Sheepman's Supply
American Livestock Supply
Jeffers Supply